Louisa Registration Form

    Private Lessons * Large Group & Small Group Classes
    All fields are required

    Phone (of Parent/Guardian)

    Emergency Contact

    How did you hear about Aspire?

    Please check one:

    Our host, Hilltop Methodist Church, would like to know how they can care for you. Do you have a home church that you attend regularly?:

    Are you looking for a home church/church family?:


    I hereby attest that I have read the Aspire! Statement of Policies regarding safety, security, cancellations, payment & publicity described below. I understand the terms of my child’s participation, and agree to uphold the policies of Aspire! Conservatory of Fine & Performing Arts. My signature above confirms my compliance with this document and I understand that I am submitting my signature in digital form.

    Scheduling & Payment Information

    All lessons and classes are subject a $10 registration fee each semester. Payment of the registration fee secures your private lesson time assignment and instructor.

    Private lessons are billed on a monthly basis, go year round, and can start at any time. Private lesson times are subject to the individual instructor’s availability. Please contact us regarding instructor availability before submitting this form. Payment for private lessons is due BEFORE the 1st calendar lesson of each month. There will be a $10 late fee assessed to payment more than 5 days late.

    Small & Large Group Classes require a full semester commitment.  Payment for classes is due at the beginning of the semester and the first of each month following.


    Aspire! Conservatory Statement of Policies

    All instructors of Aspire! Conservatory and persons registering for classes will uphold and abide by these policies. The following statements summarize our commitment to the safety of our students and preservation of the church facilities.

     Release of Liability:

       “In consideration of entering onto the premises of Hilltop Methodist Church and participating in activities of Aspire! Conservatory conducted on said premises, I agree to assume full responsibility for my activities while present on the premises, and I knowingly and freely assume all known and unknown risks, including but not limited to falls, disease transmission, and acts of other persons on the premises, whether accidental or deliberate. I agree to comply with all rules, regulations and procedures imposed by the leadership of Aspire and Hilltop Methodist Church; and I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless Aspire! Conservatory and Hilltop Methodist Church, their officers, directors, employees and other officials with respect to any injury, disability, death, or damage to my person or property, whether caused by the acts of said persons, by others on the premises, or by acts of God.”

    1.  There will be NO FOOD OR DRINK BROUGHT INTO THE BUILDING BUT STUDENTS/PARENT. Instructors or volunteers who will be there for several hours may have a bottled drink with a secure lid.
    2. All instructors/volunteers of Aspire! Conservatory will have regular background checks and safety policy training.
    3. Parents/Guardians will sign students in at the front desk. No student under the age of 18 is to enter or exit the building alone.
    4. Doors to the building will be monitored and secured. Students and Parents/Guardians will comply with proper procedures for entering and exiting the building, restricting access to unauthorized persons. Cameras are in operation throughout the building.
    5. For small & large group classes, Parents/Guardians must escort their child to the classroom and arrive to pick their child up 10 minutes prior to the end of class.
    6. Students under the age of 18 who are registered for private lessons will be accompanied by a parent/guardian or other adult (over the age of 18) who will remain in the room during the lesson.
    7. While participating in classes by Aspire! Conservatory, students are expected to be on their best behavior showing respect for the instructors, other students, and the facility itself. In the event that a students’ behavior is not compliant with the expectations, parents will be consulted, and the student may be dismissed from the program. Fees will not be refunded for students who are dismissed for inappropriate behavior.
    8. Scheduling and Payment information is at the bottom of the first page.
    9. Cancellation Policies – Cancellations initiated but the student/parent will not be refunded/credited. You are still responsible for payment of that lesson/class because of the instructor’s commitment to you.  Lessons/Classes cancelled by the instructor will be credited to the next month.
    10. Returned Check Policy – A $20 returned check charge will be assessed for all deposited items returned.
    11. I understand that during the course of participation with Aspire! Conservatory, photographs and/or video clips may be taken during lessons, classes and performances which may be used for promotion/publicity. I hereby grant permission for these images to be used by Aspire! Conservatory of Fine & Performing Arts
    12. I understand that I my information may be shared with Hilltop Methodist Church as host of this program.

    I hereby attest that I have read the Aspire! Conservatory Statement of Policies regarding safety, security, cancellations, payment & publicity. I understand the terms of my/my child’s participation and agree to uphold the policies herein. My signature below confirms my compliance with this document.